CBD Honey Sticks


CBD honey sticks are the tastiest treats, which everyone would love to have. To include them in your daily diet would be the yummiest and healthiest way to consume them. However, as everything has its advantages and disadvantages, these yummy treats also do have some, which we all need to know.

So, what exactly is a CBD honey stick? They are nothing but honey infused with CBD oil. These are then made in the form of tube casings. You can find them in the form of both liquid and solid, where both have the same kind of properties, which are beneficial for your health.

The best thing about honey sticks is that you don’t need to vaporize them and can enjoy the benefits of CBD by just tasting them. Other than that, the taste is also better than the CBD tinctures, which have a bitter taste. Hence, you can enjoy the medical benefits of CBD by just enjoying it orally.

There is an online store named JustCBD store, which can give you an easy way to buy CBD full spectrum honey sticks online. This store sells legal THC level products, which also has a third-party certification. You can check their website for more details.

Now let us look at some pros and cons of these honey sticks:


  1. Firstly, the good news is that hemp-derived CBD products are now legally available everywhere including these honey sticks. You can now purchase them in any online store, pharmacy, supermarket, etc. They are also very easy to carry with you.
  2. Another beneficial thing is that as CBD has its medicinal benefits, honey too has its own. So, the combination of both can be more beneficial than any other medication. Honey has n number of nutrients in it like potassium, vitamin B and C, iron, and minerals. It is said to be the best antioxidant which helps to protect our body from an illness like chronic diseases such as heart problems, inflammatory issues, and cancer.
  3. Honey sticks are very easy to consume. If in the solid form you can eat it or chew it or you can mix it with food and beverages if in liquid form.
  4. Another benefit of honey stick is that it directly affects your gut health. It is said that these edibles directly reach the endocannabinoid system of your gut. It is good for people, who want to treat gastrointestinal conditions.


  1. It takes a long to feel the effects of CBD in the form of edibles. While in vaporization it will be done instantly.
  2. As it contains sugar and fructose at a higher level, it is risky for people with diabetes to use it.
  3. One side effect of CBD is dry mouth which can be increased by the usage of honey. Though it is not so dangerous it can be more annoying and disturbing.

So, while we look at both the pros and cons of honey sticks, it is confusing, which one to choose. Hence, it is up to an individual to decide, which method of CBD consumption is better for them.

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