6 Things to Gift Along with a Flower Bouquet on this Valentines Day


“Roses are red; violets are blue, love never crossed my mind until I met you” said by someone very thoughtful, probably deep dove in love. Red rose is without any surprise the most loved and gifted one on special days, especially anniversaries and valentines days. They stand sole and high headed leading the way for those in love whenever it’s about proposing, mending or tying a relationship. With the coming valentines day, we are sure you have prepared a few things to gift your partner, but we come with ideas that will blow your mind and sweep your charming ones off their feet.

Pay attention because we have brought a list of things you can do as you place an order for online rose delivery to any near or far ones. From gifts to customisation find everything here that will make your gift more sweetening.

  • A box instead of bouquet

A flower bouquet has been the traditional choice since forever whenever it’s about gifting your lady love or prince charming a meaningful and resourceful present. Now change it with a flower box that makes the present more startling and trendy. Choose a box of similar colour with the flowers.

  • Flowers in a mug

When a flower bouquet is gifted, it is quickly dismantled and changed to a homely vase to make the flowers sustain. Now gift flowers in a mug so that there’s no confusion with the vase, it can sit nicely on your side table, and it will be the first in its style.

  • Flower and teddy

Women love teddy, the same can’t be said about men, but girls surely like to have a bunch of resides in their room and on their beds. Gift your girl a teddy too so she can cuddle with it every night thinking of you. It’s the perfect valentines souvenir.

  • Flowers with tiny messages

Valentine’s day is not only about giving something but also saying your emotions out loud to secure your love and ensure him or her of your genuine and outward love. In your flower bouquet or box hide cute little messages that your partner has to look for. Make sure the flowers are not wet, so the letters stay intact.

  • A chocolate bouquet

Along with flowers in your bouquet, you can save a few places for chocolates. It will be like a combination. You can paste the chocolates on artificial sticks to make them look bundled and together. In case of a flower box, you can have it taped to the boundaries.

  • Flowers and balloons

If you think this is a kiddish option, you are slightly on the wrong path. Girls love when they are gifted things more emotional than materialistic. Heart-shaped red balloons with red roses decorated in the car with pictures hanging at the back seat look like a dreamy setting. Surprise your valentine with such a steamy setting without a miss, this February 14th.

Try what you think is the best one for you and your partner, and we bet this will be the best Valentine’s Day ever.

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